Connecting the World with the Otherworldly
Connecting the World with the Otherworldly
This website has been created to introduce you to a new way of being. We as a "family" unit are interchanging in a way that is not familiar at this time. Cassandra C. Spanato will guide you through these changes by assisting you globally through guided meditation, personal readings and intuitively channeled art.
This is my most recent Facebook Live tutorial for my beautiful Extraterrestrial Healing Oracle Cards with a Guided Meditation for clearing Negative energy!!! Please enjoy and feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
Cassandra offers intuitive readings that provide insight and guidance into various areas of your life including relationships, career, and personal growth. She will connect with your guides and past loved ones to deliver the utmost important data for you to receive at that specific time.
Please book by email: cassandra@alienstarseed.com
In addition to her intuitive readings, Cassandra also offers energy healing sessions. In these healing sessions Cassandra will hold space and connect with your spirit guides and light body to assist in emotional, spiritual and physical healing for that moment in time.
Please book by email: cassandra@alienstarseed.com
There’s a moment in time when we all realize there is something more, there is something better. But how do we obtain this? How do we get there?
Nourishing the soul is a daily practice of self-care activities that will bring you to your soul's sacred space. Allowing your soul to speak to you through daily meditative practice and the enjoinment of understanding balance between the linear and astral realms.
As you practice and instill these forms of self-care you will allow the inner soul, the higher self and the divine within to awaken.
Cassandra will hold space facilitating these practices for you with guidance and direction from spirit.
This is a four-part course.
Each course consists of a meditation, intuitive guidance and spiritual homework to bring you to your source of soul.
Each course is an hour and a half each. You must take all four courses. Exchange is $1,000.00
50% must be paid upfront and the remaining balance and can be paid in two additional installments.
Please book by emailing: cassandra@alienstarseed.com
This is a three-part series that is tailored to helping you achieve the greatness you are so deserving of.
This mentorship program consists of working with our shadow self. Most importantly being in acknowledgment of our shadow self without judgement. Allowing ourselves to nurture this part of the human behavior in order to see, release and heal old damaging belief systems.
The second series is based on goal orientating. Now that you have come to the realization of the shadow work what is the goal you have in mind. Is it a business venture, a project you wish to create, maybe you just wish to establish more time to dedicate to your spiritual practice.
The third session will be a review of implementation. How are you moving forward with your goals. Where has this taken you? What is your plan?
Let’s set this plan into action and move forward. Be your own cheerleader.
This is a three-part course.
Each course consists of a meditation, intuitive guidance and spiritual homework.
Each course is an hour and a half each. You must take all three courses. Exchange is $850.00
50% must be paid upfront and the remaining balance and can be paid in two additional installments.
Please book by emailing: cassandra@alienstarseed.com
Please see below for all upcoming events.
Come join us and work with Venus and her beautiful love emotion.
Allow this beautiful galactic planet to teach you different modalities of ...
We are all born with the gift of intuition, some of us are born awakened and others awaken throughout their lifetime.
In this class Cassan...
For questions or requests for customized readings, please send me a message. I will get back to you soon.
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